User:Malcolm A.H. MacCallum/Featured Author Column

Malcolm A.H. MacCallum
Dr. MacCallum was educated at King's College, Cambridge where he obtained distinction in Part III of the Mathematical tripos (1967) and received M.A. in 1970. He continued at Cambridge for his doctoral work with the late Dennis Sciama and subsequently under George Ellis. He was awarded Ph.D. in 1971 on spatially-homogeneous relativistic cosmological models. Dr. MacCallum's research interests are in classical non-Newtonian gravity theory, particularly in anisotropic and/or inhomogeneous cosmologies (especially Bianchi cosmologies), exact solutions of the Einstein equations, theory of gravitational waves, black holes, and asymptotics. He has authored (with Roger Penrose) a highly acclaimed review on twistor theory. Dr. MacCallum has also worked extensively on the applications of algebraic computing.
Dr. MacCallum has over 140 research publications to his credit. He is one of the authors of the book titled Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations which is regarded as a classic text on Classical General Relativity. He has also written parts of the widely-distributed computer algebra system for relativity, SHEEP/CLASSI, and a simple ODE solver for REDUCE.
Details about his research interests can be found at profile by Swetamber Das
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