Dr. Alexandre Obertelli
CEA/DSM/IRFU/SPhN, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
I graduated from the university of Paris XI (Orsay) in fundamental physics. I obtained my PhD thesis in experimental nuclear physics on the shell structure of exotic nuclei in the nuclear physics laboratory of the French Atomic Department of Energy (CEA, Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) in 2005. I spent one year as a postdoc in the gamma group of the NSCL at Michigan State University where I employed intermediate-energy-beam techniques to study single-particle and collective states in exotic nuclei with A. Gade and D. Bazin. In 2006, I was offered a permanent position at CEA Saclay. Since then, I have been studying exotic nuclei at both low incident energy radioactive beam facilities such as GANIL/SPIRAL and intermediate energy facilities such as RIBF, RIKEN. I focus my research on nuclear structure by the use of direct reactions coupled to charged-particle and gamma spectroscopy.
My current domains of interest and research are (i) the study of nuclear structure far from stability via direct reactions and (ii) the shape coexistence phenomenon as a particular collective structure effect. I am very much attracted by innovative projects and systematically follow the line of new technological developments to access physics goals out of reach with the existing apparatus. As examples, (i) I started the MINOS project aiming at enhancing the sensitivity of in-beam gamma spectroscopy of exotic nuclei at relativistic energies by developing a hydrogen target coupled to a compact proton tracker Time Projection Chamber, (ii) I initiated with A. Gillibert (PI) and E. Pollacco the CHyMENE project (french acronym for “Thin Hydrogen Target for the Study of Exotic Nuclei”) aiming at building micrometric windowless hydrogen targets for low energy reactions, and (iii) I participate to the development and exploitation of the new-generation gamma-array AGATA.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal data
- Name : OBERTELLI Alexandre
- Nationality : French
- Place and date of birth: Paris (France) 10/04/1978
- Position: researcher at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
- Habilitation. December 2011. Université Paris XI.
- PhD thesis. September 2005. Université Paris XI.
Positions and ongoing grants
- ANR (national grant), CHyMENE, 2011-2014.
- ERC (european grant), Starting Grant (PI), MINOS, 2010-2015.
- Permanent position at CEA Saclay. 10-2006.
- NSCL, MSU. 10-2005/9-2006.