Talk:Neimark-Sacker bifurcation

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    This is an excellent article. I have only the following remarks:

    Text just below Figure 1 and Figure 2: a fixed point (instead of "an fixed point")

    Two lines further: resulting in a stable ...

    One line further: When it happens...

    The text contains several times the name "Poincare". Is it possible to give Poincar'e the right accent? There should be a solution for that...

    Two lines above the section on Arnold tongues: Note that in some books...

    In the text on Arnold tongues: there exists only a finite number of...

    In the text on the Multi-dimensional case: such that (instead of "suach that")

    In the text on the First Lyapunov Coefficient: Whether a Neimark-Sacker...

    Same section: c(0) is not necessarily real. In the formula for c(0) no real part should be taken.

    Section on "Torus bifurcation": Then a unique two-dimensional...

    References: paper of Iooss, Arneodo, Coullet and Tresser: "brifurcating" should be "bifurcating".

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