Talk:Cellular neural network

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    The following revisions should be made:

    - Page 1: Insert the underlined word:

       ... the neighborhood includes the cell itself and its eight nearest <<neighboring>> cells (see Fig. 1).  

    - Line 11 from top of the “Standard CNN model” section, the underlined word should be inserted as follow:

      .... while z is a scalar; therefore, in total just 19 <<real>> numbers determines the CNN dynamics.

    - Line 17 from top of the “Standard CNN model” section, the underlined word should be changed as follow:

      .... A standard two- dimensional CNN is defined on <<an>> MxN rectangular array.

    - Line 18 from top of the “Standard CNN model” section, the word “edge” should be changed as follow:

      .... Therefore, in order to calculate the state of the cells on <<the boundary of the array>>, it is necessary ....

    - Line 22 from top of the “Standard CNN model” section, “Dirichelet” should be changed as follow:

       Dirichelet  => Dirichlet

    - Line 31 from top of the “Standard CNN model” section, the word “reaches” should be replaced by “converges to” as follow:

      ...., the CNN <<converges to>> a steady state which depends on the initial state and the input.

    - Line 2 from the top of the “CNN-Universal Machine and Cellular Wave” section, the word “potentialities” should be replaced by “potential applications” as follow:

       .... The <<potential applications>> of a Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Network are fully exploit (CNN-UM), whose architecture is shown in Fig. 4. …

    - Line 3 to Line 5 from the last line of the “CNN-Universal Machine and Cellular Wave” section, the sentences should be changed as follow:

       ....  As the philosophy of this paradigm is completely different from <<that>> of a standard digital <<computer. Complex problems>>, like a typical reaction-diffusion equation, become trivial in this architecture, <<since the problem is solved>> by a single instruction.

    - Line 2 at the first graph

    A grammar error is found:

    … however, the most popular is the two-dimensional CNNs organized in a eight-neighbor rectangular grid.

    “a” should be changed to “an”.

    - Line 4 at “Standard CNN model” section

    A grammar error is found:

    ….which contain the weights of the neural/nonlinear network,

    “contain” should be changed to “contains”.

    - Line 14 at Biological and technological motivations

    A grammar error is found:

    Furthermore, technology has changed dramatically in the last years…

    “in the last years” may be changed to “in the past few years”.

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