Rodrigo Quian Quiroga

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    Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, UK

    Curator and author


    Research interests

    My main interest is in the study principles of Neural Coding, especially for visual perception, memory, visuo-motor coordination and learning. This research involves the use and development of advanced methods of signal processing -such as wavelets, chaos theory, statistical mechanics and non-linear synchronization- for studying multiple single cell recordings and local field potentials.

    Brief biography

    • 2008 - Professor of Bioengineering. University of Leicester, UK. Head of the Bioengineering research group.
    • 2006 - 2008 Reader in Bioengineering. University of Leicester, UK.
    • 2004 - 2006. Lecturer in Bioengineering. University of Leicester, UK.
    • 2001 - 2004. Sloan postdoctoral fellow in Theoretical Neurobiology, Caltech. (with Christof Koch and Richard Andersen)
    • 1998 - 2001. Post-doctoral fellow. Research center Juelich, Germany. (with Peter Grassberger)
    • 1996 - 1998. PhD student. University of Luebeck, Germany. (with Erol Basar)
    • 1995 - 1996. Research fellow. Dept. of Epilepsy. FLENI, Argentina.
    • 1993 - 1995. Research fellow. Dept. of Neurophysiology. FLENI, Argentina.
    • 1993. MSc in Physics. Dept. of Physics, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Lab Webpage

    NeuroEngineering lab

    Selected publications

    • R. Quian Quiroga, L. Reddy, G. Kreiman, C. Koch and I. Fried. Invariant visual representation by single-neurons in the human brain. Nature, 435: 1102-1107; 2005.
    • R. Quian Quiroga, Z. Nadasdy and Y. Ben-Shaul. Unsupervised spike sorting with wavelets and superparamagnetic clustering. Neural Computation, 16: 1661-1687; 2004.
    • R. Quian Quiroga, L. Snyder, A. Batista, H. Cui and R. Andersen. Movement intention is better predicted than attention in the posterior parietal cortex. J. Neuroscience, 26: 3615-3620; 2006.
    • R. Quian Quiroga and H. Garcia. Single-trial event-related potentials with Wavelet Denoising. Clin. Neurophysiol. 114: 376-390, 2003.
    • R. Quian Quiroga, A. Kraskov, T. Kreuz and P. Grassberger. Performance of different synchronization measures in real data: a case study on electroencephalographic signals. Phys. Rev. E, 65: 041903; 2002.
    Personal tools

    Focal areas