Scholarpedia:Assistant Editor/Copyeditor Help

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    Tobias Denninger
    Srivas Chennu
    Jie Bao
    Juan Pablo Carbajal
    Ian Stevenson
    Il Park
    Burak Erdeniz
    Elias August
    Nicolau Werneck
    Jianqiang Shen
    Abdellatif Nemri
    Srikanth Ramaswamy
    George Kastellakis
    Sundeep Teki
    Leo Trottier

    Project leader: Leo Trottier, Tobias Denninger


    General style

    All authors are required to adhere to the Instructions for authors, though very few follow them.

    To achieve a consistent style throughout Scholarpedia, the goal is to check following items for all the articles.

    1. Text
      1. Item copyeditor: Jianqiang Shen
      2. Text
        1. All equations should be formatted with the LaTeX Math syntax, not with HTML; i.e., \(x_j^i\), not xij.
        2. emphasized term should be used instead of 'emphasized term'.
      3. Sectioning
        1. The article should be broken up into sections and subsections.
        2. Section headings should be in 'Sentence case'.
        3. Extra empty lines above or below section headings should be removed.
    2. Definition
      1. Item copyeditor: Andrew Whitford
      2. At the top, before the first section, there should be a definition of the topic. If no such defining paragraph exists, it is acceptable to provisionally treat the first paragraph as a definition section. The article may then be approved, and the author made aware of the desired changes.
      3. The topic of the article should be mentioned at least once (verbatim) in the definition section. Like most words, the first mention of the topic should be in lowercase (except names, like in 'Hopfield network').
      4. The first mentioning of the topic should be in boldface by using <strong><nowiki> </nowiki></strong>
        1. <nowiki> </nowiki> prevents from 'autolink'.
        2. <strong> </strong> is important for Google pagerank.
      5. If there are any problems with the clarity or content of the definition, the editor of the article (listed at the bottom of the article page) may also be contacted. Avoid altering the content directly.
    3. Figures
      1. Item copyeditor: Burak Erdeniz
      2. Figures can be inserted by using [[Image:figurefile.ext|thumb|400px|right|label|caption]]
      3. The figure references in the text should be of the form Fig. <ref>label</ref>.
      4. Often it is better to have Fig.1 at the top right.
    4. References
      1. Item copyeditor: Jie Bao
      2. There should be a section == References ==.
      3. References should use the unordered list style, i.e., should be itemized using the '*' symbol at the beginning of each list item.
      4. References should be alphabetized by first author and in the (Author 2006) format like in the Bursting article, not in the "number" format. It is OK if some math articles use the AMS reference style, like in Topological entropy (articles have abbreviations, which are used in the main text in square parentheses).
    5. Further reading
      1. Item copyeditor: Ian Stevenson
      2. There should be a section == Further reading ==.
      3. Authors should be asked for review articles or books they recommend for further reading.
      4. Further reading items should use the unordered list style, i.e., should be itemized using the '*' symbol at the beginning of each list item.
    6. External links
      1. Item copyeditor: Juan P. Carbajal
      2. There should be a section == External links ==.
      3. External links should use the unordered list style, i.e., should be itemized using the '*' symbol at the beginning of each list item.
      4. The external links section should start with the websites of all the authors.
        1. Example: * [ Frances K. Skinner's website]
        2. Check the author's webpage. Look for publications. If the scholarpedia article is not cited or is not correctly cited, put the article in the list [[../Linking_to_Articles_From_Author_Pages/Articles]], adding a brief comment (i.e. bad citation in <author name>'s webpage or citation missing in <author name>'s webpage).
    7. See also
      1. Item copyeditor: Elias August
      2. There should be a section == See also ==.
      3. This section contains links to other Scholarpedia articles.
      4. Eugene via Leo: [If the curator is absent and unable to fill in the relevant article sections, then ....] a good way is to see which articles link to a given article. If some of them link to the article in "see also" section, then a reciprocal link is justified.

    Article copyeditors and item copyeditors

    Each article gets an article copyeditor (section 'Articles') and each item we want to check for the articles gets an item copyeditor (section 'General style'). The task of the article copyeditor is to contact the author if necessary and to modify the respective article. If he has questions regarding a certain item, he can communicate with the respective item copyeditor. The task of the item copyeditor is to double check the modifications made by the article copyeditors and to update the respective item details in the section 'General style' if he recognizes that issues for the respective item accumulate.

    Progress table

    The information below is obsolete. We are currently experimenting with using Pivotal (project page: [1]) --Memming 09:37, 19 November 2010 (CST)

    Please write in the respective cells AC--~~~~ (author contacted) after you contacted an author and OK--~~~~ if you consider an item as done. The goal is that each cell gets a OK1 after a check from the respective article copyeditor and OK2 after a double check from the respective item copyeditor.

    Find the old progress tables here: Progress table

    • Peer review status
    1. invited
    2. accepted
    3. started
    4. submitted
    5. 1 reviewer agreed
    6. 1 reviewer approved
    7. all reviewer approved
    • Copyedit status
      • Status for the 7 items: 1=OK by article copyeditor, 2=OK by item copyeditor.
      • The copyedit process should be primarily during the peer review status 3-6


    The plan is to check the unapproved articles first and the approved (peer-reviewed) articles later, but let's discuss what is the best approach. Please choose articles you want to copyedit from the list


    and put your name behind it. Also please add the respective row to the 'Progress table'. Alternatively or additionally you can choose an item (Definition, References, Further reading, External links, See also) and go through the articles double checking those items. In this case put your name behind the chosen item in the section 'General style' above.

    Questions and answers

    • Can I modify language?
      • You can modify the language directly provided that the author is not English language native. Otherwise put your suggestions into <!-- --> to not offend them. Changing from British to American English might be dangerous ;-)
    <!-- I not have sure if people that not speak eNglish natively also not can feel himself a bit offended with such corrections... -- Nwerneck 19:54, 30 March 2008 (EDT) -->
    • What is the style policy to be enforced for subpages within articles? Are they to be treated like 'sections' of the main article? - Chennu
      • A subpages should be treated as "appendix" to the article. It does not have to provide definition, references, see also, etc., but the authors may include references pertinent to a particular subpage. Once the article is approved, all subpages are treated as approved. Izhikevich
    • Should tables be hyperlinked within articles, like figures? If so, what is the WikiText syntax to create a table label and reference it? - Chennu
      • Tables do not have automatic numbers, so the best way is to say: "the table on the right..".
      • Also, you can put <label>tab1</label>'''Table 1''' next to the table, e.g., in the table caption. Then, in the text, you can write [[#tab1|Table 1]]. This would produce a link to the table, the numbering is done manually though.
    • If a section is empty. What do I do?
      • External links: Contact the author asking for their homepage or relevant page. You can use the template found in External links. As an example see Awareness_of_intention. The Author Brian Maniscalco has no webpage but he is related to the Columbia University - Department of Psychology.
      • Further reading: Similar procedure as above...
    • This page, and the article template, define only the format for references to journal articles or books. Is there a standard format that should be adhered to for essays in volumes, websites, etc.? Is it permissable to include page numbers with references to books in the text of an article?
    • What is meant by extra empty lines in Text section? Multiple empty lines? There should be one before and after at least for readability of the wikitext. --Memming 11:57, 25 January 2008 (EST)
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